Fairview Cemetery - Mariatown

Fairview Cemetery is owned and operated as a non-profit entity of Lakeshore Drive United Church.


The 4 acre site is located along the shore of the St. Lawrence River in the Village of Mariatown.

"Rock of Ages" Columbarium
"Rock of Ages" Columbarium

To create more options for cremation burials, Fairview Cemetery has now installed a "Rock of Ages" Columbarium.   The Columbarium is a granite structure with 32 individual spaces.  Each space is capable of containing two cremation urns.  Proper lettering for each space or niche indicates the name and date of birth and death of each occupant.  All niches are properly sealed and locked and are accessible only by the Cemetery caretakers.

Grave and cremation sites are available to all.


For more information contact:

Mr. David Lapp, 416-651-4202

Mr. Kevin Casselman, 613-930-3025

Remembering Our Past in Stone
Remembering Our Past in Stone

Remembering Our Past in Stone


Marie Gertrude

Daughter of

George & Isobel


1877 - 1896











Will Your Anchor Hold

"We have an anchor that keeps the soul

Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,

Fastened to the rock which cannot move,

Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's love!"

Words:  Priscilla Jane Owens 1882

Music:   William James Kirkpatrick 1882


Contributed by W. J. Shearing